Visa information
The information on application procedure to visit Russia can be found in the nearest Russian embassy or consulate where you can apply. For all applicants, an electronic visa application form should be filled out following this link
The Symposium participants may obtain an ordinary humanitarian visa (purposes of journey are sports, cultural, scientific and technological ties). To apply for this type of visa, an applicant should submit an Invitation Letter for visa from M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the EASTMAG-2019 organizer.
To get an Invitation Letter for visa, please send a request to the Organizing committee ( including a scan copy of your passport (first page) and the following information:
- Last name, First name, middle Name (i/a), as in your international passport
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Country of birth, City of birth
- Gender
- Passport Number
- Passport Validity: Issuance Date, Expiration Date
- Country and city of permanent stay
- Present place of employment or study
- Position
- Full address of place of employment or study
- Phone number
- Estimated dates of your visit
- Cities you plan to visit in Russia
- Hotel where you are planning to stay in Russia
(Hotel Oktyabrskaya is located very close to the Symposium venue. Also there are many hotels for accommodation in Ekaterinburg, most of them are available for booking via global booking systems.)
- Place in your country where you are applying for a Russian visa
- Your postal address where invitation should be sent (if you need an original)
Alternatively, one can obtain a tourist Russian visa. We recommend this type of visa for accompanying persons. An applicant should include a confirmation of hotel arrangements from authorized Russian travel company, or directly from a Russian hotel.
In case of any questions please feel free to contact the Organizing committee: